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Mrs. Pierrette Pépin-Roy of Saint Georges, Quebec shared memories of her father-in-law

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Mrs. Pépin-Roy shared a love and deep respect for her father-in-law, and shared this story with me:

He drove his car to the Quebec rail yard and left it, going by train up to Saskatchewan. He bought his horses: one stallion and his many mares. They were packed into boxcars and headed down to Quebec. The train often stopped, allowing the horses to exit the cars into enclosed corrals, drink fresh water and stretch their legs before arriving at the next stop. The horses were disembarked every four hours.

Once in Quebec, he tied the stallion to the back of his car and drove home slowly. When all the mares were released from their corral, they needed no encouragement to follow. So unusual a sight was this that people stopped and lined the sidewalks as if a circus performance was unfolding before their eyes. This is how the horses were led back to Saint Georges, ready to be calmed and then sold.

I mention this story in the back of my novel, the long shot