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Elie Poulin – An Early Pioneer in the Beauce Valley

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Thanks for stopping by and exploring the story of Elie Poulin, one of the pioneers of the Beauce Valley. Located in southern Quebec, Elie lived from 1819 to 1894 in the village of Saint Joseph de Beauce along with perhaps 30 other pioneering families.

Joseph Elie Isaac Poulin and his wife, Archange Nadeau, produced at least 15 issue.  From this one couple, there remains a legacy of French Canadian wherewithal, determination and perseverance that lives on today.

Elie Poulin about 1837 at 18 years of age.

Elie Poulin about 1837 at 18 years of age.

Each of the pioneering families included the necessary skills to build a strong community that would prove to be as resilient as the soil was rich and fertile.