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Deer, Elk and Wild Boar at the Hunter’s Farm in Sainte-Hénédine

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In the southeast province of Quebec, there is a wonderful farm in Sainte-Hénédine known as The Hunter’s Farm.

The Hunter's Farm in Saint-Henedine, Queebec.

The Hunter’s Farm in Saint-Henedine, Queebec.

The owner raises wild boars and breeds elk and deer.

Where's the grass?

Where’s the grass?

The boars stay in very strong, fenced corrals inside of other fenced-in corrals.

Looking for lunch by the fence.

Looking for lunch by the fence.

They are extremely powerful and do not always play nice with their own kind.

Girls fighting for attention.

Girls fighting for attention.

Many boars have brown striping across their shoulder to hind.  In a series of nurseries, young boars work out who is top pig. This area of the farm is pretty noisy all day long.

Many baby boars have visible stripes.

Many baby boars have visible stripes.

In long, open spaces and shaded fields, deer and elk roam as they please.

Hey, I'm hiding under this tree.  Get your own.

Hey, I’m hiding under this tree. Get your own.

The owner also harvests meat and pelts himself, butchering and freezing product for the restaurant industry.

You can't see me, right?

You can’t see me, right?

When hunting season starts, he allows licensed sportsmen to come in and thin out his herd.

A corral of elk.

A corral of elk.

The owner also harvests meat and pelts himself, butchering and freezing product for the local restaurant industry.

The protective male raises his rack.

The protective male raises his rack.

I got a wonderful back scene view of the owner feeding deer and elk, cautiously walking all around my car within arms’ reach.  What a thrill it was.

Feeding time.

Feeding time.