Hey fans, here is a possible dust jacket for my next short story. Care to give me some possible titles for this new short story coming out in 2020?
What makes a man a murderer?
Romeo Poulin entered the great northern wilderness in 1885 laying railroad tracks, carving tunnels, and building trestles. When word of the Klondyke Gold Rush spread, no one had heard of famine in the Yukon. During this brutal winter, Romeo meets Ben Charlie, a Tlingit Indian that keeps him from starving. Years later, Ben moves to the Alaskan coast where Romeo visits, and meets Becca, Ben’s niece.
As an attraction grows in the young Dawson miner and the shy, beautiful Tlingit nurse, dark forces work against them. Rain, a Haida Indian has designs on Becca. Now Becca’s life is ravaged by the violent Rain who spreads treachery across his own people and neighboring communities. Amid the dangers of wilderness living in the Yukon and Alaska, this story carries you from the dust of Dawson’s gold mines to the ferocious Pacific storms of the Inland Passage.
Romeo Poulin explores the Tlingit coastal town of Ketchikan Alaska in this standalone, Klondike Gold Rush adventure.
Send your suggestion to jderenas@gmail.com. If your entry is selected, I’ll send you a copy of this book when it’s out.